Taking place at the iconic Dorney Lake, near Windsor, local businesses Climategames and One Race partnered to organise a unique multi-sport event for the planet.

Over 350 people participated in The One for the Planet, the first event to convert exercise into funding positive climate impact projects:
The triathlon event planted coral in French Polynesia
The swim, aquathlon and aquabike events removed plastic from the ocean in Indonesia
The run and duathlon events helped plant kelp in British Columbia
The organisers planted a tree for every ticket sold in Kenya
All spectators all contributed to the environmental effort, tracking their steps through the Climategames app and also planted coral

Climategames also ran a training league and virtual event on its app which funded plastic removal projects and sequestered co2 from the atmosphere.
The day was a huge success, with participants hitting PBs, having a great time and making their activity matter.